Happy situations don’t always produce happy results. Everything that happens to us is in God’s plans for us…our hurts, pains, mistakes, disasters. We have to find the good even in bad situations by thanking God in all things, not for all things. Expect the great, but prepare for the unforeseen. Know that everything works together in God’s plan for us no matter how unpleasant the circumstance, so that he may bring them together for our good. God’s purpose is greater than our problems, pains or sins. He never promised us a perfect life or that everything will work out the way we want. But he did promise us a good life. Romans 8:28 (KJV) declares, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called for his purpose.” This is a promise to us, his children; we are his purpose. God allows things to happen to fulfill this purpose. So, when the unexpected comes, when the norm becomes a series of tests, and when the trials are never-ending, lean not unto our own understanding and accept what God allows.