Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, & Healthy Spirit Women’s Conference

May 17 – 19, 2019
Guest Speakers: Pastor Shelley Burton, Dr. Anita Phillips, Apostle Trena Stephenson

The “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, & Healthy Spirit Women’s Conference” is designed to help shape every area of your life through Godly principles, sound advice, and everyday practical ways to becoming the BEST version of who you were created to be in life. Each anointed speaker is a woman of power and influence in ministry and in the marketplace arenas. Our goal during the conference is to reach every area of the whole person: Body, Mind, and Spirit!



Fruitful Revelations

The Words Of My Mouth

Psalms 19:14 (KJV) – “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in the sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Oftentimes, we speak out of anger or frustration without even thinking that we may be hurting the ones we truly love. We find ourselves asking those that we hurt […]


“Serving Faithfully”

Matthew 25:21(KJV)- “His Lord said unto him, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter…” We serve God by serving others. Our greatness is measured in terms of our service and not our status.  This is contrary to the world’s belief that everyone […]


Read More Fruitful Revelations

Bishop Randolph Adams' Biblical Nuggets

  • “The Sincerity of Holy Communion”

    SPEAKER: Senior Pastor Randolph Adams SUBJECT: “The Sincerity of Holy Communion” SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 11:23-31 Holy Communion is not just a formality or a spiritual...

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  • SUBJECT: “The Secret to Unanswered Prayers”

    SUBJECT: “The Secret to Unanswered Prayers” SCRIPTURE: Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 5:23-24 Why would an all-loving, all-powerful God not answer your prayer? It’s a question that...

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  • Do it God’s Way or No Way at All

    Scriptures: I Samuel 15:22 Highlights: In this season we must learn to bounce back! God has some things on hold until we meet the requirements...

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  • Following God’s Lead

    Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:13-14 Highlights: Whatever season you’re in, you must have on the right garments ROADBLOCKS OF LIFE will try to stop you...

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  • Waiting on God Pays Off

    Scriptures: Psalms 40:1-3: Isaiah 40:31 Highlights: There’s no pay like God’s payment plan We must wait with expectation He’s building your FAITH, CHARACTER & PATIENCE...

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  • Become a Son of God

    Scriptures: Romans 8:10 Highlights: Son-ship can be lost (disowned/disinherited) Sons act and look just like their “Daddy” Check my DNA! (I was created in His...

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  • Where He Leads Me – I Will Follow

    Scriptures: Psalms 61& 23 Highlights: A leader guides the way by going in advance He is the Good Shepherd The still waters represent PEACEFUL

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