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Validating Our Self-Worth

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul”- Mark 8:36 – (KJV)

People will try to blend in just to fit in with society.  They want to prove their self-worth to people, places, and things by justifying and validating everything they do.  At the end, they find out that the point they tried to prove really didn’t matter.  We all fall short of the Glory of God; however, in Him, we don’t have to prove a point because He validates those He trusts.  Therefore, it is imperative that we know who we are, whose we are, and whom we serve.

Why do we attempt to impress the world with material possessions that do not increase in value and yet have no self-worth?  Our lives should not reflect societal comforts or norms.  Don’t seek validation or crave the limelight.  It is our positive words and actions that bring attention to Christ and Glory to God.  We need to develop our godly character because it is the sum of our habits.  We must CHANGE our thinking, RENEW our minds, and TRANSFORM into Christ-like beings through our character, language, and conduct.

Remember what happens to us on the outside is not as important as to what happens to us on the inside.  To be more like Christ is a process and our final reward will be far greater than anything comparable to what we obtain on Earth.  This is especially true when we know we are certified in Christ Jesus.  Now square your shoulders, walk upright, and look towards Heaven.  This is how our real Self-Worth is Validated!

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