Proverbs(KJV) 23:7 –“What a man thinketh in his heart, so is he……”
Often our minds are an imprisonment by our hearts and souls. In fact, it is the hardest prison to escape. Our mind is the only part of us as Christians, that is not saved! Everything that is said or done begins and ends in our minds. It includes our thoughts and afterthoughts, needs, wants and our heart’s desires. What we think is what we become. But in order to be mind-full, we have to feed our minds like we feed our bodies. With healthy thinking and positive thoughts. We should concentrate on the good things of the Lord. Those things being joyous, happy, and loveable.
Whatever we give power to, will have power over us if we allow it to. Whether it’s love, lust, temptation or hate, the pendulum of the mind doesn’t resonate between right or wrong.The conscience will do that for us. But the mind will differentiate between sense and nonsense. If we quiet our minds, then our souls could speak.
Matthew(KJV)12:34 – ” For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”.