There are no shortcuts to maturity. Know God is never in a hurry; he is always on time. There is no growth without change, no change without fear or loss and no loss without pain. The only fear we should have is the fear of God through reverence of him because of his grace and mercy. In this life, we will experience pain through our losses whether through death, finances, or disconnection from loved ones. After all, we live in a fallen world, we are still human, still in our flesh, but sometimes, we have to step outside the box and rely on our faith. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Change is like learning a new habit. Since it takes a while to develop a new habit, change will also take time. We must change our mindsets and shift from our normal way of thinking, in and around our lives. Shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking. It is not about us. Worry about someone else. Children think of themselves, but grown-ups think of others. Shift from local thinking to global thinking, as kingdom-minded Christians pray for the world. Shift from here and now thinking to eternal thinking. Our time here is only temporary, but the kingdom of God is forever. Shift from thinking of excuses to thinking of ways to fulfill our purpose. If there is a will, then there is a way. No more excuses. For whatever reason, (fear, uncertainty or the unknown), everyone will not change, but remember, “A Positive Shift Will Lead To A Positive Change”.